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Expected Behaviours 

As a full private members' club, we can only achieve the highest levels of safety and therefore a good overall environment, if we monitor attitudes and behaviours. 


All members of The Lifestyle Lounge are expected to fill in a full membership form signing to acknowledge they accept to abide by the strict rules of the club, code of conduct and expected behaviours in an adult and tolerant environment. 


*All guests (non-members) will be expected to sign a temporary form every visit until membership is established


Non-compliance with the rules will result in immediate eviction from the club and potential lifetime barr


1. Tolerance 

Absolute tolarance to others' at all times is expected. You are not allowed to make any unwanted, derogatory comments etc., to others to make them feel uncomfortable - as a safe environment, we expect all to be accepted 



Respect and dignity to others, regardless of personal feelings towards their lifestyle choices; which may differ from yours 


3. Boundaries

You are not permitted to or try to persuade anyone to go beyond their comfort zone 

You are not permitted to just join any play activity occuring, you must be invited to join in


4. Safe Sex 

Although, we can't enforce, we highly encourage and promote safe sex at all times.

Condoms are supplied in every room, there is no excuse!


5. Hygeine

As a member, you are expected to clean up after your visitand not expect staff to do it. Blue roll, dispansers and anti-bacterial spray are in every room. Please leave the room as you would wish to find it. 

Play is not permitted in the jacuzzi area, you will be asked to leave if you do


6. Safety 

As a member entering themed playrooms, construction isn't as normal, some rooms are not heel-friendly. On your membership form, you will sign to say you enter the areas of your own volition 


7. Reporting Incidents'

As a trusted member, you are requested to inform staff immediately if a fellow member or guest is acting innapropriately. 


7. Alcohol Monitoring 

We reserve the right to monitor alcohol consumption and will terminate supply if drunken behaviours are displayed at any time. 




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